10 Fast-Growing Integration Firms: What AV Pros Can Learn from Them
Posted on 2017-07-20·By Tom LeBlanc

Mountainside, N.J.
It was in 2015 when we tackled Verrex’s resurgence. Principal Thomas Berry Jr. was forthright about the fact that Verrex had weathered some challenging times including false starts in its quest to create a better global presence. At that time, however, the false starts were way in the rear view mirror as Verrex had seemingly figured out how to grow globally with its customers.
Verrex never set out to grow globally, Berry pointed out. Its plan was simply to continue to support its corporate customers, many of which were expanding into Europe and Asia. So Verrex committed to creating a global integration and service strategy that would continue to support its customers.
In 2017 Verrex has operations in China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan, Australiaand the United Kingdom, points out Verrex’s Theresa Hahn.