As Commercial Integrator’s #AVLivingLegends series rolls on, we induct honoree #63: Iffat Chaudhry of Involve Visual Collaboration Ltd. And no more fitting an industry luminary could join our esteemed list!
Chaudhry is a beloved member of the #avtweeps family, known not only for her role with Involve but also for her podcast (#WhatIff?) and her advocacy for a more diverse, inclusive and welcoming industry. Indeed, Chaudhry’s engagement with industry colleagues is always compassionate and caring, reflecting one of many reasons her peers nominated her among the #AVLivingLegends.
Iffat Chaudhry of Involve Visual Collaboration Reflects on Her Career
In this interview, Iffat Chaudhry reflects on how she “fell into” the industry at a time when she had grown slightly disillusioned with teaching and eventually found her way to Involve Visual Collaboration. In addition, she harks back to how her first manager inspired her, as well as how she tries to pay things forward by supporting others. She talks a bit about her much-celebrated podcast, and she shares her philosophy about regret being a massive waste of energy. Finally, Chaudhry shares some of the best advice she ever received.
Enjoy this expansive conversation with Iffat Chaudhry of Involve Visual Collaboration, a perfect addition to our #AVLivingLegends roster.
And if you’d like to read even more coverage relating to our #AVLivingLegends, check out our hub page. It includes direct links to every living legend!
Commercial Integrator: What motivated you to join the commercial AV industry?
Iffat Chaudhry: Like so many people, I fell into the industry — it was not a conscious career move! In the early 2000s, I was responsible for supporting the integration of interactive whiteboards at the school where I was teaching. Working with the integrator closely, I became aware that they were looking to recruit someone to support the implementation of videoconferencing technologies in schools. The rest, as they say, is history.
In those early days, videoconferencing was cumbersome; the technology was expensive, and internet connectivity was unreliable. It was a battle to engage with IT teams to allow conferencing on their network. And it was quite a novelty to see and hear people in other locations — sometimes from the other side of the planet — when it worked! I was slightly disillusioned with teaching at that time, so, when the opportunity arose to do something different and move back into a more corporate environment (I had previously worked in a few different sales environments), I happily took it!
Commercial Integrator: What has kept you motivated and engaged in the decades that followed?
Iffat Chaudhry: Many people talk about the “wow” factor of the AV world. I still feel the same as I did back in 2006: For me, audiovisual is where the magic happens. Whether it was a projector displaying information in a classroom back then, rather than my hand-written worksheets copied and handed out to the students, or whether you are experiencing The Sphere in Las Vegas today, the impact of AV — the way it brings all content to life — is still as magical today as it was for me back then. There are always elements that are dull and laborious in every environment, and, to an extent, I do sometimes feel like we have become a little desensitized to some amazing things. Basically, as a community, we’re less blown away by them than perhaps we could be. But that’s just human nature!
Commercial Integrator: Reflect on your role as both a mentee early in your career and as a mentor later in your career. Who helped shape the trajectory of your professional life? How have you tried to help shape others’ careers?
Iffat Chaudhry: I have been in sales in some way, shape or form throughout my career, starting in recruitment back in the 1990s. And there have been many people whom I have turned to for advice and guidance. My first manager was inspirational. I don’t think she saw herself as a mentor — it was not a common or defined role at that time — but she always made time for each of us, and for me. She encouraged me to find my own style, not to imitate her or others, and to work out where my strengths were and align that with the business’ objectives.
When I reflect now on the trajectory of my whole professional life, I recognize that my path was not an obvious one. However, I also acknowledge that this is not so atypical in AV! For many years, the common thread was education: All of my roles were somehow connected to the education sector, whether that was recruitment or technology based. My latest role has allowed me to explore other verticals and contexts. And so, I would say that my trajectory is still on the move! I’m very lucky to have had many opportunities over the years to continue learning and developing — one of the many beauties of our industry and our community!
My podcast and volunteer activities, particularly with AVIXA and ISE, have allowed me to support others — and not just those in my immediate circle. This has been a truly humbling experience. I have been fortunate enough to have worked with some individuals who have asked for my support, and I am acutely aware of the responsibility that that carries. I am also a big believer in paying things forward, and I have actively encouraged others to get involved in their passion projects, join panels, and share their thoughts and views. Because this is what will breed greater understanding, compassion and camaraderie for all of us as a wider community!
I don’t believe I can shape anyone’s career, but I think we all can certainly create a positive environment in which others are able to thrive. We can provide support and encouragement to our fellow humans, whether we work with them directly or not!
Commercial Integrator: What’s the most memorable story/anecdote of your career in commercial AV?
Iffat Chaudhry: There have been a few memorable moments, but one of the standout moments of my career was facilitating a videoconference in 2006 between a school in London and a school in China. So much planning and effort went into that single event both here in the U.K. and in China. There were weeks of working out Plans B, C and D, testing and testing the tech again and again, and working with the students in London (all primary school aged) to prepare questions to ask their Chinese peers. We did not fully realize the massive impact of that connection until after the event.
It never ceases to amaze me that the overwhelming outcome was that our children had more in common with those children in China — in terms of their everyday lives, routines, school schedules and activities — than they had different. And, nearly 20 years later, it is still something that so many of us have to work hard to spread the word about!
Commercial Integrator: What has been your greatest professional accomplishment to date?
Iffat Chaudhry: Without a doubt, my greatest professional accomplishment to date has been to create a space for more conversations about diversity, inclusivity and equity, and all that makes us human. My podcast, #WhatIff?, has been a labor of love. And although I have not put out much new content on the channel this year, I have spent time supporting many individuals and organizations to plan, prepare, formulate and deliver their own DEI initiatives. I see that as a huge privilege to be involved in. Our industry is composed of great people — with more good intention and practice than we perhaps give it credit for. It is an important factor to recognize and celebrate, which is something I will always do my best to champion whenever I can!
Commercial Integrator: What has been your biggest professional regret to date?
Iffat Chaudhry: I honestly don’t have any regrets. I believe that we all make the best decisions we can at any given time, with the information we have available to us at that time. Regret is such a waste of energy; life presents situations and opportunities, and we learn and hopefully grow from each interaction. So, the best we can do, I think, is to reflect, let go of what no longer serves us, learn and move on! I also believe I am where I am supposed to be — always! We all are.
Commercial Integrator: What’s the best advice or pearl of wisdom you either received during your career or came to realize on your own?
Iffat Chaudhry: There are many! But the one that comes to mind immediately, and I wish I could remember where I first came across it, is this: “The way you do anything is the way you do everything!” Having recently (and I hope affectionately) been called a pedant, I know there are times when perhaps I look too hard for things to be a certain way. This results in my being incredibly critical of my own work and standards. I do, though, really believe that if you can approach the smallest of tasks with care, diligence, pride and integrity, it lends itself to excellence in all areas. It’s the old “When is something good enough?” argument!
Of course, this approach comes at a price because it also lends itself to a level of intolerance, which I am always working hard to balance out. But it comes with the territory, I guess! I know there are areas in which I have “let go” a little, but, honestly, it has been hard!
Would you like to nominate a peer or colleague — or perhaps yourself! — to be featured in this #AVLivingLegends series like Iffat Chaudhry of Involve Visual Collaboration was? If so, just email Dan Ferrisi, group editor, commercial and security, Emerald, at [email protected].