Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities in Digital Signage: InfoComm 2024 Panel

Published: August 12, 2024
Image composed by CI Staff.

In the past, digital signage systems were often seen as low-risk cybersecurity targets. However, today’s hackers are drawn to them for the notoriety, as compromising a large billboard can negatively impact many people. The purpose of signage is to influence and inform users, so when hackers inject false information, it can have serious consequences. Given this potential for severe impact, protecting digital signage has become critically important.

At InfoComm 2024, Dan Ferrisi, group editor for commercial and security at Emerald, delved into this pressing issue by hosting a panel discussion on cybersecurity vulnerabilities in digital signage. The panel included industry thought leaders: Jeff Hastings, CTO of BrightSign; Gabi Shriki, SVP and head of AV business at Valens; and Cory Morelli, Solutions Engineer at HighSecLabs, who shared their insights on the evolving threat landscape and best practices for securing digital signage systems.

To watch the full, 10-minute video panel discussion covering cybersecurity vulnerabilities and digital signage deployments, check out the embedded video below.

This conversation, of course, stems from Commercial Integrator’s partnership with the HDBaseT Alliance.

Stay tuned for more thought-leadership panel discussions from #InfoComm24 throughout the week online at and on our YouTube channel @CommIntegrator.

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