Theory Professional Brings Audio Expertise to ISE 2025

Published: January 30, 2025
Image composed by CI Staff

In this exclusive video interview with Paul Hales, owner/CEO of Theory Professional, Commercial Integrator highlights one of the more notable companies that’s showcasing audio technologies at ISE 2025.

Although this might be the first year that Theory is exhibiting in Barcelona, the company is certainly not new to the speaker business. The team behind Theory boasts long, storied careers in the industry, and Hales reflects on some of his own background at the beginning of the conversation. He compellingly states what Theory exists to do, saying, “We’re making a small group of very high-quality, very high-performance products that can kind of go everywhere, do everything and solve a lot of problems, without having to sift through a catalog of 120 different loudspeakers.” Hales continues, “We’re here to make it sound better and make it easier for the consultants and for the integrators.”

Asked about demos and activations at their booth, 3N620, Hales says that the primary system show-goers will find is a surround-sound system in a small demo space. He elaborates, “So, there’s a soundbar-based Dolby Atmos system that utilizes our indoor surface-mount loudspeaker, our outdoor surface-mount loudspeaker, our soundbars [and] our commercial architectural subwoofers. And within the context of that loudspeaker setup, we’re also going to play all those individually.”

Watch the entire video (embedded below), which runs nearly eight minutes, to get the whole story about Theory Professional and its ISE 2025 plans.

And, of course, be sure to visit Booth 3N620 to be there for Theory Audio’s remarkable debut appearance as an ISE 2025 exhibitor.

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