Rising Stars in the AV Industry: The 2018 CI 40 Influencers Under 40
Posted on 2018-08-20·By D. Craig MacCormack

Andrew Dorman, 33, and Stephanie Hoffmeier, 25
Sales Engineer and Sales Coordinator, New Era Technology
@NewEraTech_US and @AAV_Steph
Andrew was new to the AV industry when he started with New Era just over two years ago. In that time, he has demonstrated a passion for technology and problem-solving. His ability to understand and apply his knowledge coupled with his out-of-the-box thinking has been an important asset to the company’s success. Andrew has worked in a team capacity to support some of New Era’s largest clients, never shying away from a challenge.
Stephanie quarterbacks team responses with New Era’s top three major accounts. One notable effort was stepping in for coverage of the company’s number one global account for a period of eight weeks during a key account manager’s eight-week sabbatical. Stephanie handled all integration opportunities and pending projects in coordination with the sales engineering team.