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On Fear for Our Jobs and Working from Home

What is happening and what is coming next is omnipresent in our hearts and minds. Here's a more


UCC Providers Step Up to Meet COVID-19 Remote Work Challenge

Keynoters at Enterprise Connect's virtual event say their platforms were made to help organizations meet the demand of


5 Tips to Help AV Integrator Businesses Weather the Storm During Coronavirus Outbreak

USAV Group director Patrick Whipkey outlines some of the ways AV integrator businesses can address needs & concerns


Enterprise Connect to Hold Virtual Keynotes Next Week

Enterprise Connect, originally scheduled to take place later this month in Orlando, will feature keynotes and other speakers


Video Conferencing Software Like Zoom Is Being Used By Everyone During COVID-19 — Not Just For Work

With nobody able to go anywhere or see their family and friends, people are turning to videoconferencing solutions


Like Videoconferencing Service Providers, AV Integrators Can Help Organizations Impacted By Coronavirus

Google, Zoom, BlueJeans and LogMeIn are offering free videoconferencing services to help front-line workers of the coronavirus. How


Kramer Introduces VIA Campus²PLUS Wired and Wireless Presentation and Collaboration Solution

Kramer VIA Campus²PLUS allows simultaneous wired and wireless presentation in the company’s ‘most advanced collaboration solution.’


AV News to Know Feb. 14, 2020: New Products, Cool Projects and People in New Places

In this week’s edition: Sony launches five new laser projectors, Moluin Rouge partners with Sennheiser and Alcorn McBride


Presenting the ‘Office of the Future’

Taking a closer look at the evolution of meeting room technologies and the changes workers might see in


AV News to Know Nov. 22, 2019: New Products, Cool Projects and People in New Places

In this week’s edition: Atlona beats the ISE 2020 rush, Topgolf overhauls its displays and NETGEAR senior VP

B2B Marketing Exchange
B2B Marketing Exchange East