How You Can Replace Your Passive Aggressiveness with Constructive Criticism

Published: May 19, 2021

Admit it: You haven’t always been as good of a leader in the past as you probably are today. You probably did things when you first got that corner office that you’d be embarrassed about if you saw someone new to management do today.

Related: How AV Business Leaders Can Help Unhappy Employees Feel Better—and Stick Around

That means there’s a solid chance you—yes, you—have used passive aggressiveness to get your point across to an employee when being direct would probably have served you both better and left you both feeling better about the resolution of the issue.

Here’s hoping you’ve learned from your mistakes by now and have become a much better and more direct leader of your AV integration or manufacturing firm, but CNBC recently gathered several phrases you might still be using that come with passive-aggressive undertones.

If you’re using any of them, please stop right now.

  1. “Per my last email…”

What it actually means: “You didn’t really read what I wrote. Pay attention this time!”

  1. “For future reference…”

What it actually means: “Let me correct your blatant ‘mistake’ that you already knew was wrong.”

  1. “Bumping this to the top of your inbox…”

What it actually means: “You’re my boss [or employee]. This is the third time I’ve asked you. I need you to get this s*** done.”

  1. “Just to be sure we’re on the same page…”

What this actually means: “I’m going to cover my a** here and make sure that everyone who refers to this email in the future knows that I was right all along.”

  1. “Going forward…”

What it actually means: “Do not ever do that again.”

The right way to express what you mean

So how should we frame our own “Just following up on this” without engaging in any passive aggressiveness? When is it okay to loop in our boss without seeming like a jerk? When do we use the phone to call and clarify something?

Here are four things successful communicators do:

  1. Don’t respond to messages or emails when you’re angry or frustrated.

This prevents miscommunication, wasted time and regret. If you feel emotionally hijacked, save your email message as a draft and revise and send it when you’re in a better mood.

  1. Assume good intent.

Instead of calling someone out for screwing up, step into their shoes and ask yourself, “What are some reasons why they might have made this mistake?”

It’s better to people exactly what they need to take action. Sometimes just adding a quick brief so that they don’t have to go back and read through previous emails and writing “Here’s what I need from you” or “Here are the open dates again” is helpful.

  1. Show empathy and encouragement.

Replace imperative words like “Do this” with conditional phrases like “Could you do this?” When delivering feedback, begin your message by expressing appreciation using words like “Thank you for [X]” or “Excellent job on [X].”

If your boss, or even a client, sends you a passive aggressive email, fight that urge to send an even more petty reply. Lowering your actions down to their level will only escalate the tension and increase anxiety.

  1. Avoid digital ghosting.

Need to get back to someone? Here’s a quick guide to remember:

If you can answer in 60 seconds or less: Respond immediately.

If it’s urgent: Respond immediately or let the sender know you are working on it. Make an appointment with yourself on your calendar if you need to.

If it’s a matter lacking urgency: Don’t stress; block out time to follow up after at your convenience.

If you’re the one waiting for a response: Unless it’s critical that you get a reply ASAP, remember that people may have a lot on their plates. If you follow up twice and don’t get a reply, switch to a different medium (e.g. a phone call).

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