Why You Don’t Have to Start from Scratch When Designing Higher Ed Huddle Rooms

Published: July 27, 2016

While researching information for a previous higher education technology piece, I came across an intersection between corporate and higher ed.

There are products and services they both use but in their own unique way. Huddle spaces are the one area where you can apply the technology and consumption of the space to both verticals.

Three years ago, the AV industry said that where two or more are gathered together trying to communicate and collaborate there shall be a huddle space. It was thus decreed and we all set about trying to figure out why we were trying to “huddle”. Yet, your clients were already doing it. They knew it as collaborative spaces, small meeting spaces, and common areas.

Now we have furniture, displays, and various pieces of technology that are customized for this arena of AV. The really great part of this is that the pieces we use in corporate AV can be used for the same purposes in higher ed.

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The small form factor amplifier, control system, or interconnection box that hides under the collaboration desk in the office can do so in the university commons. The design phase is also a simple copy and paste from one vertical to another.

Why does this matter, you may ask? Time and efficiency. We all have standard designs that we start with within different verticals. You have your standard corporate board room, lecture hall, meeting space, and auditorium. Now you have a standard starting point for huddle spaces. You can use that same starting point for both corporate and higher ed. It also means that if you are not in one of these two verticals you can seamlessly make the transition from one to the other.

Corporate and higher education are getting closer and closer in both the technology they use and the design considerations. Using the same technology is not lazy, it’s efficient use of your resources in design, programming, and installation. It also allows you to fine tune a design and install process on one vertical and have it apply to both.

Take the huddle space idea and see where else these two can overlap for a better, more efficient design and installation.

Posted in: Insights

Tagged with: Huddle Room

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