Nominate Your Favorite Young AV Influencer for the 2018 Commercial Integrator 40 Under 40 List of AVTweeps

Published: June 11, 2018

Four years ago, Commercial Integrator editor-in-chief Tom LeBlanc went through a unique sort of mid-life crisis as he neared the big 4-0. He didn’t run out and buy a Camaro, as far as we know, and he didn’t grow a mustache, although rumor has it he’s tried on several occasions.[related]

Instead, Tom started thinking about his place in this world and reflecting on all the young AVTweeps talent that he saw around him in the AV industry, those who were around his age or younger who were putting their stamps on the market he covers.

That milestone for our fearless leader led to our most popular annual feature: the 40 Influencers Under 40.

That first group—which, like the other 40 Under 40 lists we’ve published since then—included plenty of familiar faces, especially for those among the AVTweeps group (#AVTweeps) on Twitter.

We might have even squeezed in a few more than 40 honorees and found room for a few “young” people who’d celebrated their 40th birthdays that year.

But, hey, it’s our list, so we can make our own rules, right?

The CI 40 Under 40 Rules

This year’s rules, as the nominations officially open for the fifth Commercial Integrator 40 Under 40, are pretty similar to previous years: we’re looking for someone who works for an integrator, programmer or consulting firm (sorry, no manufacturers included in this effort) along with those who have brought something unique to the integration world.

One other thing: We don’t repeat 40 Under 40 members from previous lists. We know there are more than enough young and talented people to go around that we don’t need to recycle names or groups from year to year.

So, if you’ve already been on the list, you’re out for 2018 (but we definitely want you to nominate someone new).

The most fun part of the 2015 Commercial Integrator 40 Under 40—and each of the subsequent honor rolls we’ve published online in August and in our September issues of the magazine—is they’ve included folks who were nominated by those who came before them.

Peer-to-peer recognition of excellence is a pretty powerful thing in my mind, and we hope you’ll agree.

And, certainly, it’s been fun to find a cool way to celebrate the people I’ve gotten to know in this industry who are making their marks at young ages, the best part for me has been getting to know some of the people I didn’t know thanks to their nominations by friends, colleagues or acquaintances.

OK, enough of the prefaces and conditions. Let’s have those AVTweeps nominees! With apologies to those who have triskaidekaphobia, the deadline for your nominees is Friday, July 13.

See last year’s 40 honorary AVTweeps here

That gives you a month to rack your mental Rolodex (look it up, young’uns) and send in your favorite under-40 colleague, friend or mortal enemy for inclusion on the list.

Email me at [email protected] for more information.

Posted in: Insights, News

Tagged with: 40 Under 40

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