Search Results: avidex

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NSCA Announces 2022-2023 Board of Directors Leadership

Ray Bailey, president of Lone Star Communications and former NSCA vice president, assumed the NSCA Board of Directors


NSCA Education Foundation To Host Ignite Fundraiser on June 8

NSCA Education Foundation Ignite fundraiser will be held at Brooklyn Bowl in Las Vegas in conjunction with InfoComm.


AV News to Know Jan. 15, 2021: New Products, Cool Projects and People in New Places

This week: Lowell releases new wall-mount shelf, Martin Audio enhances Italy’s Covo nightclub and a flurry of hires


AV News to Know Aug. 21, 2020: New Products, Cool Projects and People in New Places

In this week’s edition: More new products for safe building access, Planar aids mission-critical response and CCS Presentation


Add These Pearls of Wisdom to Your Audio Video Business Plan

Follow the leads of these 5 leaders who found themselves on the CI cover this year and maybe


Watch This Architect Explain Why He Doesn’t Bring in Integrators Sooner

Architect, TV host and Crestron Masters 2019 keynoter Danny Forster paints a picture of how the relationship between


People & Places: No Shortage of AV Hires and News in January!

This month in AV news and hires, we hear from South Central A/V, Digital Signage Expo, and so,


What Is the Definition of Managed AV Services?

Most businesses strive for adding more managed AV services to their revenue streams, but a true definition of


Managed Services: What Are You Waiting For?

It’s tough for AV integrators to make money selling expensive gear, but there’s a better way for them


Today’s Voice Control Technology Road Map Comes with Plenty of Caution Signs

AV integrators and manufacturers facing consolidation, global expansion, voice control and service over products in the fast-changing world.

B2B Marketing Exchange
B2B Marketing Exchange East