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Whitlock and Partners Keep it Simple, Refine Unified Communication

Panel discussion at Whitlock Convergence Durham turns to collaboration, 4K, BYOD, and simplicity.


Inside Sharp’s New AQUOS BOARD Interactive Display

Gary Bailer, Director of Product Planning at Sharp Electronics, takes you on a walkthrough of the brand new


Women in AV Reception Added to NSCA IBSC in Atlanta

Women in AV (WAVE) invited to attend next week's NSCA Integration Business Survival Conference for members-only rate, WAVE


InfoComm Cancels First Stop in End-User Focused InfoComm Connections Series

The October 22 Philadelphia event, the first of InfoComm's new tech manager and CIO targeted Connections series has


WD & Smartvue Team to Launch New Surveillance Platform

Collaboration combines Western Digital's My Cloud EX2, My Cloud EX4 products with Smartvue's security software.


AMX enhances Enzo platform

Users can now create Enzo session macros using the AMX Rapid Project Maker (RPM) configuration tool.


Identify, Assess and Monitor Cyber Security Threats

PSA Security Network announces its newest education initiative focused on cyber security in the security integration industry.


Polycom announces latest developments for subscription-based virtual meeting room scheme

Polycom RealPresence One – which already proving popular for industries such as manufacturing, healthcare, education and financial services


Red Thread: Furniture Company or Change Agent?

Born out of an office furniture manufacturer, Red Thread is having different audio-video conversations than any other integrator


Samsung unveils first professional UHD monitor

The 31.5-inch UD970 is said to give creative professionals the ultimate viewing experience.

B2B Marketing Exchange
B2B Marketing Exchange East