Peanut Butter and Chocolate: What Does It Have to Do With InfoComm?
InfoComm is generically placed in the box of commercial integration, but should it be?
InsightsInfoComm is generically placed in the box of commercial integration, but should it be?
InsightsThe expanded agreement furthers SYNNEX relationship with Christie, giving integrators access to Christie's full line of products.
NewsThe fourth annual Best Electronics Systems Technologies honorees highlight the first day of InfoComm 2014.
NewsMicrosoft is at InfoComm 2014, but Dan Newman asks, what is all the hype about?
NewsThe acquisition will allow Canon to enhance its software capabilities in the video surveillance market.
NewsControl Concepts and BMA Software Solutions present the first TechTalk event, aimed at empowering technology managers, at InfoComm
NewsPhil 'HiPhi' Cordell will add a hip-hop element to the annual Drunk Unkles charity concert at InfoComm with
NewsDigital Projection International (DPI) promotes Bridwell to vice president of marketing and home entertainment, and hires Groover as
NewsAustralian firm TDC chooses the best media servers, 3D mapping, and video projection equipment for the famous lighting
NewsEven before InfoComm 2014, software giant Microsoft is already eyeing a return as an exhibitor in 2015.