Enhancing the Customer Experience with Quality Audio Design

Published: 2023-05-17

The feel-good factor in a retail space is paramount. A comfortable space has a measurable effect on how we spend, and more importantly, how much we spend. According to the Association of Consumer Research, when listening to music, customers are more likely to purchase items they associate with pleasure. As such, a retailer shouldn’t make the mistake of overlooking the influence premium content and equipment can have on their customers.  As acoustics and sound designers, we need to use our knowledge to create an environment that will maximize the customer experience and in turn, our client’s profitability. Music and soundscapes are a very powerful marketing asset when utilized in the right way.

In-person shopping is a multi-sensory experience. That said, visual aesthetics usually take priority. If bad acoustics and sub-standard sound systems are deployed or become an afterthought, then the shopping experience can become fatiguing. A distracted and weary customer will invariably head for the door.

Several elements should be considered when designing a retail sound system. One that is often overlooked is the acoustics of the space. The design concept of the store may call for materials that are not conducive to a good acoustic environment such as glass, marble, and concrete. Very careful consideration to this aspect of the space should be considered and expert help should be sought if possible. Those who need to make unprepared spaces sound better will find that off the shelf help is available from commercial acoustical treatment vendors, and when implemented correctly can be very effective. Especially in larger spaces, if you make the wrong choices in acoustics and sound design, DSP won’t fix it.

A good system should be capable of delivering quality sound evenly throughout the store. Loudspeakers need to be correctly positioned to facilitate clear and balanced sounds without any dead spots or excessive reverberation. In this regard, the store’s size and layout should be considered to determine the optimal speaker placement. Consideration should also be given to modelling, as acoustic simulation increases the understanding of a design, leading to better informed decisions.

One crucial aspect of sound design in retail stores is identifying the store’s target clientele. Different age groups and customer segments may respond differently to the type and volume of music. Similarly, stores catering to high-end customers may require a sound system that delivers premium-quality sound worthy of the customers’ status. Another key element is integrating the sound with the store’s overall ambience. The music style and tempo should match the store’s brand and message, creating a consistent and immersive shopping experience.

Zoning can be used to highlight specific areas of the store, such as product displays or promotional offers. By strategically placing speakers, retailers can create an immersive atmosphere that engages customers with their products and services. Allowing predefined zoning, volume, and intensity, and scheduling the right music ahead of time with the minimum amount of user interaction ultimately allows staff to focus on the customer.

Content should be delivered on a flexible and intelligent platform through a variety of premium quality loudspeakers. Loudspeaker choice will determine the quality of your program material more than anything else. Distorted, band-limited sound will invariably paint a brand as low quality. With premium quality speakers, your music will sound pristine, and you will have better control of the volume of your music.

Because a sound system might work well in the home, do not be tempted to opt for consumer grade equipment. Equipment designed to be used only a few hours a day are not built to sustain the rigors of a commercial environment, nor have the specific attributes or performance for optimum coverage. In the end, it pays to invest in premium quality audio system to match your brand’s values.

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