Pop Quiz: Test Your InfoComm 2015 Knowledge and Retention

Published: July 20, 2015

InfoComm 2015 concluded over a month ago. Before you forget the important news, trends and technology developments at the annual tradeshow here’s your chance to test your expertise.

Whether you were among the record-breaking number of attendees at InfoComm 2015 , which took place June 13 to 19 in Orlando, Fla., or followed along online, you were likely paying close attention as industry shifts and product news were breaking.

As you might remember (or not remember) from algebra class, however, retaining information and using it to your advantage later is another story.

Take our pop quiz to revisit some of the major topics from InfoComm 2015. Grade yourself—each question is worth 10 points!—scoring up to 100 percent (using the honor system, of course) and tweet your score with hashtag #InfoComm15. Click on each question below to find its respective answer.

Ready? Go.

1.) Name two AV integration partners slated to distribute and deploy Microsoft’s new Surface Hub collaboration solution.

2.) Which AV distributor sponsored InfoComm 2015’s Drone Pavilion and is an advocate of integrating drones into appropriate AV system designs?

3.) Which former Van Halen front man performed at Crestron’s InfoComm 2015 party?

4.) What video-over-IP solutions provider did AMX by Harman acquire just prior to InfoComm 2015?

5.) On what type of car did Panasonic demonstrate projection mapping in eyeball-grabbing style?

6.) At what annual InfoComm event do attendees have an opportunity to participate in a conversation about AV industry standards and system design performance requirements?

7.) At what industry benefits group’s breakfast meeting did InfoComm executive director David Labuskes go off script and deliver a frank challenge to both himself and the group aimed at improving relations?

8.) Which projector manufacturer launched what it calls the world’s brightest LED projector offering 3,000 lumens?

9.) What was InfoComm 2015’s total attendance?

10.) Which integration firm took advantage of InfoComm’s International Communications Industries Foundation (ICIF) grant program to the point where it brought its recruit to InfoComm 2015?

Bonus question for five extra percentage points: Which CI editor skipped InfoComm 2015 and why?

Remember, click on each question to find its respective answer. Good luck and share your results!

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