Keys to Solve Leadership Challenges During Unpredictable Times

Published: September 22, 2020

In case you haven’t noticed, things are quite a bit different across the U.S. and around the world than they were at the beginning of 2020 thanks to the coronavirus pandemic that’s sent most of us to shelter at home and rely on technology more than ever to stay connected with loved ones.

“We’ve adapted but it leaves us with questions,” said NSCA Pivot to Profit Virtual opening keynote speaker Mike Staver. “Everyone is trying to figure out the same things. The most successful leaders are inventing a new way to examine the world.

“People are making decisions about their livelihoods and their businesses. It’s not about doing things differently; it’s about doing different things. When you look at your business, you have to look at the various pieces and their relationship to each other,” he said.

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Staver notes business leaders today can’t just “manage from a spreadsheet” these days. There are new types of leadership challenges that require a new type of leader.

“You have to be aware psychologically and behave sociologically,” he said. The psychological approach means giving your employees a sense of relevance, significance and certainty. The sociological side involves balancing health, money and freedom and bringing people with each focus together.

“Make sure people understand how you’re creating spaces and outcomes for them,” said Staver. Creating value for your customers helps them to “know you’re in it with them,” he said.

Overcoming Business Leadership Challenges

“Everyone needs to be moving in the same way for us to add value,” said Staver. “Even though there’s a tension between the three perspectives people have, you’ll get in trouble when one perspective is found to be superior to another. You have to be able to balance them to move forward and thrive.”

That means business leaders need to create services and values within their companies that address each of the three perspectives, said Staver. Bringing forward clarity of expectations, accountability and recognition of a job well-done is a good start in overcoming these leadership challenges, he said.

“How do we provide value in a way our customers continue to feel their perspectives are being recognized,” asked Staver. “You have to drive clarity deep into your organization and focus on where you want to go. Stay focused on the high-performing habits that will keep you moving forward.

“Whatever your eyes see and your ears hear is what your brain uses for nourishment. Business leaders need to stay away from the junk food and fill their lives with things that make you feel more alive. Talk to your team members about incrementally improving the business,” he said.

Posted in: Insights, News

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