Michael Shinn, who was part of the initial 40 CI Influencers Under 40 list in 2014 and worked tirelessly to advance the cause of young and future AV professionals, died Saturday at age 38.
Shinn, who was self-employed as Chief Shinnovator at his own firm Shinnovate, LLC., since September, previously held positions at South Central AV, Verrex, and IMS Technology Services. He was an instructor at InfoComm shows and served on the NSCA Education Foundation board of directors.
Shinn was born April 1, 1982, but one thing that was no joke to him during his AV career was finding and grooming the next generation of talent. He also launched the service department at IMS during his tenure there, showing he understood the importance of going beyond selling boxes.
“Mike is part of the reason I am at USAV,” says Patrick Whipkey, director of USAV and Shinn’s IMS colleague and close friend. “He brought USAV to IMS in 2015. He brought me to IMS in 2009. We went to college together. He has been on vacations with my family.
“His laugh could fill a room and I knew exactly how to get him to belly-laugh. We played well off of each other. He saw my potential and I saw his. My head is filled with so many questions and memories. It’s hard to gather my thoughts,” he says.
“To say the industry lost a future legend is putting it lightly,” says Whipkey.
Lisa Hensle, senior global managed services account manager at Verrex, worked with Shinn when he joined the company after his time at IMS in an effort to ramp up Verrex’s managed services offerings.
“I remember my first conversation with Michael (yes, he preferred his given name of Michael),” she says. “I called to introduce myself and welcome him to Verrex. It was a Saturday and although he was in the midst of many things he took a call from someone he didn’t yet know.
“Two-plus hours later, a friendship already took root. Michael became a mentor, colleague, and most important, a dear friend. You meet many people in a lifetime and only few (if any) can be called extraordinary, Michael was extraordinary and he left us way too soon. Rest easy, my friend and I know you are asking Alex Trebek the questions now,” says Hensle.
More Memories of Michael Shinn
Shinn perhaps became a household name among AVTweeps for his work through the NSCA Education Foundation, where he regularly presented awards to companies with standout products, projects and business approaches. He was never afraid to be the butt of a joke and was quick to dish it out too.
“The NSCA family—including staff, volunteer leaders, former co-workers, and industry friends—were all saddened by the news of Mike Shinn’s passing,” says NSCA executive director Chuck Wilson. “We knew him as a fellow board member, an educator, an advocate for our industry, and our friend.
“Mike was passionate about this industry and, as such a young man, had so much potential. He will be greatly missed. We will remember him fondly and pray for healing as his family and friends mourn in this great loss. It’s a very sad time for all of us as we reflect upon how shocking this news was and how fragile life can be,” he says.
Tim Albright, chief marketing officer at Conference Technologies Inc., had Shinn on his AV Nation podcasts as a regular guest and became a close friend with him through that avenue.
Related: Many More Than 40 Influencers Under 40
“Mike Shinn was everything so many others have written and said about him,” he says. “His heart knew no limits, and sometimes that got him into trouble. Mike made everyone feel welcomed and a part of the tribe. One of his passions was getting more young people into this crazy industry that he loved.
“His work with NSCA’s Ignite program was just the tip of his involvement with driving the next generation of AV professionals. The industry had Mike’s mind and his heart. To me, though, Mike was just a great friend. His presence brought a smile, his voice a lighter mood, and his compassion a new perspective. Mike Shinn was my friend, and I will miss him dearly,” says Albright.
Kelly Perkins worked closely with Shinn on NSCA Education Foundation initiatives including the Ignite workforce development program.
“I’ll miss Mike terribly,” she says. “He was the best AV bitching buddy. We were both so good at it. I’m grateful we had many, many (many) laughs and even more grateful to have the good memories. He will live on through all of us.”
Why Michael Shinn Mattered to #AVTweeps
Tom LeBlanc, NSCA director of industry outreach and media channels, “would get excited whenever I saw Mike at industry events,” he says.
“No matter how busy or worn-down I might have been, I always knew we would have a laugh and a great conversation. In fact, we met at an event where I was moderating and generally spending way too much time on stage. I loved that whenever I stepped off the stage, I could count on this guy Mike Shinn to make fun of me! Believe it or not, that made me more comfortable,” says LeBlanc.
“Beyond that, I had a tremendous amount of respect for Mike,” he says. “He was intelligent and had a great mind for business.”
Shinn “was instrumental to our growth and development in the early years,” says IMS Technology Services owner John Renninger.
“He had a great, although devilish sense of humor, an infectious laugh and was very intelligent,” he says. “He was passionate about the industry and will be remembered as one of the people that got IMS to where it is today.”
Chris Neto, market development manager for engagement and experience at Starin, says Shinn “truly felt that the key to AV evolving was by getting programs in place to help recruit and train the next generation of professionals from a grass roots level.
“It never was AV/IT discussion. It was always about how to provide the necessary foundation for each individual to choose their path whether that was Installation, engineering, project management, etc.,” he says.
“Mike was a proud AV geek at heart,” says Neto. “He not only did he love the technology and the business of AV, but he fully embraced social media platforms as a way to connect and strengthen the AV community in such a positive way. I always appreciated his perspective on the #AVintheAM chat.
“Some of my favorite memories with Mike were at the InfoComm shows and at the NSCA Business Leadership Conferences. Though nothing topped recording the My Humble Opinion podcast with Mike and Malissa Dillman,” he says. We’d schedule an hour to record an episode, but ‘talking shop’ always yielded three-plus episodes in one recording.
“His knowledge and wit was on full display on every show and there was nothing better than Mike’s boisterous laugh to keep us going,” says Neto.
Jeff Burns, director of human resources at Verrex, is “deeply saddened to hear of the sudden passing” of Shinn.
“Our hearts go out to Mike’s family and all his friends, of which there are many,” he says. “Two things immediately come to mind when thinking of Mike—his big boisterous laugh and his quick wit. Mike was fun loving person with a huge, kind heart and a passion for his profession.
“He was a true friend to many at Verrex, and he will always be considered a part of the Verrex family. Please keep Mike and his family in your thoughts and prayers. He was taken from this world far too early,” he says.
Click here to listen to a recent tribute to Shinn related to his involvement with the Campout for Hunger, one of his favorite charities.
Family and friends of Michael Shinn are invited to attend the Mass of Christian Burial at 10:30 a.m. at St. Margaret’s Church in Spring Lake, N.J. on Saturday, March 13. For those unable to attend the mass, it will be shown on the St. Catharine and St. Margaret Church website (www.stcatharine-stmargaret.org/) live stream.
In lieu of flowers, the family welcomes donations to the American Cancer Society. To send condolences to the family, visit www.orenderfamilyhome.net.