After the Toughest Year in Recent Memory, This is What the AV Industry is Thankful For

Published: November 18, 2020

We like to post feel-good content whenever we can, especially in a year like this one. But one of the most popular such pieces we write each year — focusing on what the pro AV industry is thankful for — almost didn’t seem doable in 2020.

We’re sorry if that sounds dramatic, but considering the wake of layoffs, anxiety, and depression the pandemic left, it’s not an overstatement to say that this year was easily the worst in recent memory for many of us.

Still, we saw many AV industry folks making the best of it just a couple of months in. Now, we’ve heard from a few folks in AV who say they have a lot to be thankful for in spite of this awful year.

As one integration company leader put it: “Covid has been like boot-camp. It has beaten us down, and is now building us back up stronger and leaner than before. Covid is like a drill sergeant threatening to beat me with a two-by-four if I don’t achieve. I have not been this motivated to innovate in a long time.”

On a personal note, I’m thankful for many things: simply having a job (something not always easy to find in either the journalism or pro AV industries); my friends and family; and of course I’m grateful for the festive food that I’ll partake in on the big day.

Check out what #AVTweeps folks are thankful for this year here

However your year is going, be sure to take a moment when you’re sitting around the table this holiday to reflect on what is most important to you — personally, professionally, or otherwise. It’s reassuring, yes, but also humbling. And what goes better with turkey than humble pie?

Happy Thanksgiving!

Read Next: How the Pandemic Has Changed the Questions Employers Ask Job Candidates

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