Don’t Make This Assumption About Your Clients’ IT Departments

Published: December 22, 2016

Organizations are using more video than ever before.

While IT departments are filled with knowledge about their organizations’ networks, IT professionals don’t necessarily have the video knowledge needed to ensure a new video system is installed and operated properly.

AV integrators need to take an opportunity to educate their clients’ IT departments on IP-based, network-based AV.

Watch the video below to learn more details from Dan Helfrick from Z-Band on how to speak to your customers’ IT departments about video.

Find more tips for building stong relationships with IT departments below:

Learn to Think Like an IT Director: 17 Easy Steps

For most organizations, it’s the IT department making decisions about purchasing technology. In this free webinar, learn how to effectively relate to and address their concerns. Create a mutually beneficial relationships.
Click here to register for the free event!

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