When we launched Commercial Integrator in January of 2011, we gave a lot of thought to what the magazine cover should convey. Our goal: Every Commercial Integrator magazine cover should reflect what we represent to our audience.
We’re a business publication. We wanted integration firm leaders and employees to be able to quickly glance at a cover of Commercial Integrator and understand why they ought to read it. Our cover articles should tap into a business need that is relevant to them.
We’re a technology publication. We wanted our AV industry audience to look at Commercial Integrator covers and immediately realize why reading the cover story will help them stay a step ahead of their competitors.
Click through every Commercial Integrator magazine cover
We’re a business publication for a technology industry. We want our covers to convey that our content is uniquely catered to our audience.
Have we accomplished that? Well, after cranking out monthly issues since January 2011 we can admit that some magazine covers have been more effective than others?
After clicking through our gallery of every Commercial Integrator magazine cover ever, you can be the judge of how effective we’ve been.
Magazine Covers: A Lost Art?
In in age of diminishing printed publications, Commercial Integrator continues to take pride in its monthly magazines.
Of course, our digital presence far exceeds anything we can physically print. But there is something powerful about magazine cover artwork and copy.
Commercial Integrator’s art team has been every bit as influential in establishing a market-leading brand as our editorial team has. We chose from the beginning to use “portrait-style” cover shots for our CI Profiles which we expected to be our most powerful cover stories.
The idea of focusing in on the people who run integration firms — not just with the articles but with the photography on the cover — helps us ensure that Commercial Integrator is a publication that’s for the people in the industry we serve.
Click through all our Commercial Integrator magazine covers.