InfoComm International will host special courses and activities as part of the Integrated Systems Europe (ISE) show, Feb. 10-12 in Amsterdam, of which it is co-owner. Under a new guest member program, many of these courses can be free to attend.
InfoComm members and guest members are allowed free entry to 30 InfoComm seminars at the tradeshow on a first-come, first-serve basis. Two courses not eligible for free access under the program will provide member discounts to attend: a Master Class taught by Robert Simpson of Electrosonic and a CTS Study Session (see below).
Preregister for ISE 2015 as a member or guest member to receive free access to seminars, as well as access to the InfoComm Member Lounge (Stand 11-N100), a members-only post-show webinar and any online courses or tests.
Master Class with Robert Simpson: Displays of Today and Tomorrow
February 10 from 8:00 pm to 12:00 pm, Room D403
This class will be made up of four sections. The first will be a refresher tutorial covering standards. The second will be devoted to flat panel displays with an emphasis on LCDs and LED displays. The third will cover projection from PICO to 4K resolution. The fourth section will discuss applications and specialist areas of displays.
The Master Class will be presented by industry veteran, Robert Simpson of Electrosonic, CI‘s 2014 Integrator of the Year. Simpson, co-founder of Electrosonic, has written about the company’s success in his book “Electrosonic — 50 Years on the Audio-Visual Front Line.”
CTS Study Session
February 9, 10:00 am to 5:30 pm, Room D203
Certified Technology Specialist (CTS) recognition is the industry’s leading professional AV qualification. This session will be presented by Bill Thomas, and registrants can access the CTS online prep course prior to attending the show and CTS session. Onsite CTS testing will be available throughout the show.
InfoComm Market Research in 2015
February 10, 12:00 pm to 12:30 pm, Commercial Solutions Theatre, Stand 8-M370
InfoComm Market Research Analyst Kaitlyn McAuliffe will provide an overview of the global and European markets, as well as a sneak peek at InfoComm’s plans for 2015, which will include the Vertical Market Survey and the Pro-AV Distribution Channels and Trends Report.
Women of InfoComm Network Breakfast
February 11, 8:00 am to 9:30 am, First Edition Restaurant, RAI Exhibition Centre
For the first time, this networking breakfast and session will explore what women — and men — in the industry can do to encourage and support women in technology careers. The session will be presented by Sarah Joyce, vice president, EMEA, of Electrosonic and Diana Danziger, an international organizational development and leadership consultant.
Read more about the Women of InfoComm breakfast here.
Or visit to learn more and register for the show.