A Look Inside NEC’s Booth at InfoComm 2017

Published: July 5, 2017

The HoloNyne Virtularium, an immersive VR cave, was debuted by NEC at InfoComm 2017.

Richard Ventura, VP of business development and solutions, provided CI with a tour of their booth. He says the Virtularium is the result of collaboration from nine other companies and features everything from projection to large format displays. The cave is also capable of displaying specialized content and specialized directional audio.

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“Rather than a headset, we actually have you walking into the environment,” says Ventura. “As you enter into the cave, we have large format displays that really encircle you and make you feel like you’re in that environment.”

Hiperwall was also on display — this control room solution has NEC videowall, projectors and display solutions in an all-in-one package capable of 4K and live camera feeds.

More from the company on the Hiperwall:

Some other video wall technologies available are restrictive by pre-defining a limited number of in- and outputs. The secure and flexible system architecture of Hiperwall however is scalable; additional single displays, video walls, projectors or LED walls can be added either close to the main screen or as satellite displays in other rooms. This unlimited flexibility allows systems to be re-configured should the need arise in the future.

If maximum availability is essential, the Fault Tolerant ensures continuous operation. Duplicating the core components of the system an automatic handover ensures failover of the entire system. Based on a defined network structure Hiperwall is able to match existing as well as future requirements. Considering the increasing amount of data, Hiperwall will secure the investment made as tasks and business grow.

The 84-inch 4K “ThinkHub” allows for whiteboarding, video conferencing, multi-site sharing, and device connection and control.


More from NEC on the ThinkHub:

You and your team can share content to ThinkHub via USB drive or by sharing your device screen. So instead of hovering around an individual screen or switching the view of a shared screen, ThinkHub allows you to see everything, all at once. ThinkHub Premium features MultiSite, the ability for teams to create, view, and share content in real time from anywhere in the world.

Read more about NEC on their website.

Posted in: News

Tagged with: InfoComm, Virtularium, VR

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