ProjX360 Launches Sales CRM and Proposal & PO Generation Tool

Published: November 28, 2016

ProjX360 recently launched a sales CRM and proposal and PO generation tool for its software.

With these new enhancements, integrators have “a single solution to manage their projects from the sales process, including creating proposals, through project management of the project to completion and into service,” according to the company’s press release.

Here’s more about the new ProjX360 sales CRM and proposal and PO generator tools:

Sales CRM
With ProjX360 Sales CRM you and your team will be able to easily manage and track your entire sales pipeline which will allow you to close more deals efficiently. ProjX360’s Sales CRM makes creating and working with deals as easy as possible which allows your team more time to sell.

Monitor your deal activity to know exactly where each is in your sales process and what percentage of chance each has to close. Keep track of your team’s efforts towards closing a deal and everything else that impacts your sales process.

Standardize your sales process with customizable deal templates you create for your team to follow. Create tasks and events for individual deals with ProjX360’s Sales CRM to keep the most value added activities front and center.

It’s important to know where your best leads come from, with ProjX360’s lead management you can tag individual deals with where they came from, so you can see the best channels for your company’s sales process. You can also monitor your leads through the sales process with our customizable status tracking. Know where each lead is in that process and make sure it is being moved through properly.

ProjX360’s Sales CRM reporting provides insight at all times what is in each person’s pipeline, the percentage of chance each deal has to close and its value. You can monitor each sales person’s performance to know who is producing and who isn’t. You will also know which of your marketing efforts are working by knowing where your leads are coming from to make sure you are getting the most out of your marketing dollars. These features and many more will help you streamline your sales process and close more deals, making your company more money.

Proposal & PO Generation Tool
With ProjX360’s Proposal Generation Tool you can quickly and easily create proposals anytime, anywhere. Our user friendly UI allows you to create professional & accurate proposals very quickly, so you can get them to your potential customer and close the deal.

Now on future proposals just drag it into your proposal where it populates everything quickly and easily in one shot. You can also assign accessories to products saving you time and help eliminate forgotten “needed” items. For example, on a television you can assign a wall mount, HDMI cable, emitter, etc. to it so every time you drag it into your proposal you will be prompted asking if you want these accessories automatically added. This will reduce your sales team missing all of the small accessory products that costs your company money and causes production delays.

Instead by having these products configured properly, you will increase your sales revenue and have happier customers. To make sure your labor is bid accurately you can assign a labor phase and labor hours to a product so that every time that product is dragged into the proposal that labor phase and labor hours come with it.

ProjX360 is integrated with Portal for your product database and purchase order distribution & tracking. You don’t have to worry about keeping your product database up to date; it’s all done for you, including your specific costs, product information and specifications. The Purchase Order integration streamlines your ordering process by leveraging portal’s robust vendor integration to distribute and track your purchase orders also saving your money be aggregating orders to single vendors to save on shipping and bulk discounts when applicable.

Already have the items stocked locally or from a specialized vendor? No problem, you can also manually create one off PO’s in ProjX360, track when they are opened by the supplier and get updates from them as the order process through their system and they update with our single point vendor access.

The Proposal Generation Tool’s custom reporting allows you to customize your proposals, create pick lists from them, see what has been ordered, what you have received, what is in your pipeline and much more.

Click here for more information about the ProjX360 sales CRM tool.

Click here for more information about the ProjX360 PO and proposal generator tool.

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