Retiring Kramer Chief Dave Bright to Receive Mackey Barron Award, Replaced by Belden Exec

Published: May 6, 2016

Despite relinquishing his president and CEO position at Kramer Electronics in order to transition into retirement Dave Bright isn’t going very far … at least not yet.

He’ll be honored at InfoComm 2016 as InfoComm’s very first Mackey Barron Distinguished Achievement Award. Plus, he’ll stay on as acting Chairman of the Board for Kramer until his planned actual retirement at the end of 2016.

Kramer is prepared with its own executive transition plan as Steve Biegacki, former senior VP of global sales and marketing at Belden, is already in place as CEO as of May 1.

Biegacki’s track record at Belden is significant. In a press release, Kramer says that during his eight years he contributed to improving sales and marketing processes and led the creation of the Belden Market Delivery System which drove profitable revenue growth.

“I am thrilled to be joining Kramer at this exciting and pivotal moment in both the industry and the company,” says Biegacki in the press release. “The game is changing once again and Kramer is right on the edge both technologically and in its vision for the future leveraging the IT convergence of Pro AV.”

“I am delighted to welcome Steve to Kramer US. He is a process- and results-oriented executive with a great depth of experience in meeting the needs of customers and partners and the leadership to drive breakthrough growth,” says Ari Gorlin, worldwide VP of sales at Kramer.

Related: Mackey Barron Left Impressive Legacy for AV Industry

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