Roy Spence to Bring Unique Insight on Business to CI Summit

Published: August 21, 2014

As we gear up to host and attend the Commercial Integrator Summit and CE Pro Summit in Orlando, FL on November 12-14, more details about the event are rolling in.

The Summits are pleased to announce that business guru Roy Spence will be hosting a session entitled, “Injecting Purpose & (Yes) Love Into Your Business.” Love? That’s right. In his talk, Spence will share his own personal story along with insights and advice on how purpose and love can power success and satisfaction in business. And he truly believes in his message.

“The organizations and leaders who create the future will be more diverse in background, talent and strengths than ever before,” says Spence. “But there will be one profound unifier. The creators of the future will all be inspired and driven by a mighty purpose. They will all be in the Life Improvement Business — not as an act of philanthropy, but as their core business.”

Related: 6 Takeaways You Can’t Ignore from CI Summit 2013

Spence is both chairman and co-founder of GSD&M, a marketing communications and advertising company based in Austin, TX. He is also CEO and co-founder of The Purpose Institute, an organization who helps companies discover and bring to life their purpose. Under Roy’s leadership, GSD&M and TPI have helped grow many successful brands, like Southwest Airlines.

Think of Spence as a motivational speaker, for businesses. He has been named Ad Man of the Year and Idea Man of the Century and has been interviewed by The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, INC. and many other prestigious publications.

“Purpose is where the needs of the world and your talent cross,” adds Spence, quoting Aristotle. “Therein lies your vocation.”

Spence brings his unique perspectives on advertising, marketing, entrepreneurship and finding and fulfilling an organization’s purpose to the CI and CE Pro audience on November 13th, during a luncheon shared by both Summits. Click here to learn more or register for the Commercial Integrator Summit.

Watch the video below to learn more about Roy Spence and his message.

Posted in: News

Tagged with: CI Summit

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