Top 5 Hotel Market Integrators of 2016

Published: July 18, 2016

It takes a special kind of integration firm to serve hotel customers — it must because many integration firms keep the sometimes confusing market at arm’s length.

The vast majority of hotel integration opportunities stem from large corporate chains. There are boutique hotels with technology needs, of course, but it’s difficult to build a business model around a boutique opportunity.

Those integration firms that do find their stride in the hotel market seem to embrace it. It’s noteworthy that CI’s 2016 Top 5 Industry Leaders in the hotel category all enjoy better-than-average percentages of recurring revenue. That’s partly because hotels find value in managed services and service agreements.

Although it’s difficult to find common denominators between these five firms, let’s sample some of their insight on what they say makes them successful:

CCS Presentation Systems‘ Julie Solomon on company culture: “Internally, CCS encourages a safe, competitive work environment through its Beyond Better program that enhances high company engagement. Within the office, employees complete monthly ballots to reward other employees’ performance with regards to customer service. The more “points” one receives only enhances their chances at winning a cash prize at the end of each month. CCS believes work should be rewarding, mentally and physically. CCS has extended this program to clients through a customer service survey, which further ranks employees on the board.”

RPAV‘s Ron Prier on important priorities: “Being nimble and the ability to adapt to market conditions.”

Concepts AV Integration‘s Dennis Pitzl on commitment to service: “We are a service-oriented company. We give the best service possible. We try to accommodate all clients’ service calls on the same day they come in.”

SVT‘s Kyle Gravelle on vital challenges: “Hiring new technicians and qualifying opportunities.”

Edwards Technologies Inc.‘s Roberta Perry on unique focuses: “Convincing potential clients to adopt subscription-based, scalable content management. Issues are addressed in face-to-face meetings and road shows.”

Check out the complete report: Meet the 2016 CI Industry Leaders

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