Why You Should Bring Your Best Customers to InfoComm

Published: June 15, 2017

Business owners are crunching the numbers already and the event has only just begun: how can I maximize my return on investment while attending InfoComm?

One way is to bring along some company.

A recent Tech Decisions podcast featuring two university tech managers shed some light on why an increasing amount of end users attend InfoComm, and why many of them choose to accompany their integrators on the trip.

It makes sense since the sheer amount of products on display is dizzying. Clients who step out on the floor can see first-hand just how impressive that premium product you recommended for a future job really is.

Here are three key reasons why integrators invited their clients this year – and why you should follow their lead in the future.

It Strengthens Business Relationships

  • Your clients may not leave the show schlepping an advanced AV system which will solve their organization’s problems for years to come. But, if you’re doing your job right, they will leave with the knowledge of where the industry is moving towards and how they can deploy an appropriate strategy. Integrators who spend time guiding their clients through the floor maze, highlighting the best products for their vision, will strengthen their clients trust in them and their business relationship as a whole.

“We know what we’re installing this summer. By the time of the show it’s going to be too late for us to add additional equipment to our cycle for this summer. But it lets us know what we’re going to be doing over the next two or three years by seeing what’s coming down the pike,” says Jesse Anderson, Audio Video Services Manager at the College of the Holy Cross.

Related: The Future of AV: Why End Users Will Still Need AV Integrators

It Gives Your Firm Credibility

  • Project managers and integrators alike want to future-proof their installations and systems. By bringing them to the show, you’re exposing them to the very future of the field. This helps them establish 3-, 5-, even 10-year goals for their organization, which very well may involve your services.

“It’s all about access,” says Chris Imming, Director of Media Services at Gordon College. “It’s one of the few opportunities you have to survey the landscape of our industry. With AV/IT convergence and things moving toward the network and the rapid development of technology, it’s really important to see where things are at and where things are going.”


It Educates Your Clients

  • Another benefit is that the companies whose technology is installed typically have an in-house engineer on the floor at InfoComm. This means your client can ask detailed questions regarding the day-to-day operation of items you’ve already installed for them. Self-maintenance for them can mean more time for you to capitalize on other business.

“It allows you to assess your organization’s deployment strategy, to be able to respond to changes in innovation,” Imming says.

Posted in: News

Tagged with: InfoComm

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