Wilson Electronics Says 5G Network Technology Will Impact IoT, Drones and Alexa

Published: January 23, 2018

For more than two years now, we’ve heard of a 5G network coming soon. And it is — sort of.

But Jeff Gudewicz, chief product officer at Wilson Electronics, says there’s a lot more to 5G than simply shuttling gigabytes to cell phones quicker.

The 5G network technology revolution “will serve as an information conduit to connect far-reaching 5G network technology, including self-driving cars, virtual-reality gear, drones and devices like Alexa,” according to a Wilson Electronics announcement.

While cellular carriers and systems integrators are preparing for the transition, 5G won’t likely be ready for prime time for another two to three years, according to Gudewicz.

What a 5G Network Will Look Like

Although its official debut is still some ways off, networks have been laying the groundwork for 5G in order to meet the requirements that will allow them to deliver the high speeds, low latency and high-capacity 5G promises, according to the Wilson press release. [related]

In the early stages of 5G, flexibility among cellular carriers and solutions integrators will be critical.

“It will be incumbent upon solutions providers to provide carrier-agnostic solutions to help improve service in the transition,” according to the Wilson Electronics announcement.

Satellite service provider Dish Network has spent $20 billion buying large chunks of the licensed cellular network spectrum. Dish now owns more of the low-, mid- and high-band licensed spectrum than any of the major mobile carriers from Verizon to AT&T to T-Mobile.

Those purchases have set Dish up to a major player in forthcoming 5G cellular network that could change the way AV integrators design and install everything from home networks to multi-room video systems and much more.

How 5g Network Technology Changes IoT and Wireless Data

At the 2017 Total Tech Summit in Orlando, Dish Network CTO Vivik Khemka painted a picture of the future of the Internet of Things with AV integrators in the middle of the fray.

As the 5G spectrum becomes a reality in the next 12 months (following final legislative approvals), Khemka says Dish is positioned to “leapfrog the mobile carriers” to have an immediate impact in the area of wireless data communications.

But Dish foresees most of the new 5G network being used not to handle text messages and phone calls, but the transmission of wireless video with amazing speed and virtually no latency.

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Khemka predicts 75 percent of the 5G network will be used to transmit video signals. With the 5G network as the basis for communication, several  5g network technology industries will immediately blossom, including autonomous vehicles, heathcare, security, and industrial manufacturing, according to Khemka.

5G will be able to transmit at 100Mbps speed (that compares to today’s average home network at 18.7 Mbps). It also will have latency of just 1 millisecond (compared to 100ms for 3G and 50ms for 4G).

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