Latest In: CEDIA

CEDIA Hybrid Hybrid Work
Logo of IMCCA, host of Collaboration Week New York.

IMCCA Announces Strategic Partnership with CEDIA Expo

IMCCA partnership will introduce work from home and resimercial technology programming at CEDIA Expo 2021.

News May 13
CEDIA Resimercial
Resimercial AV

How Resimercial AV Can Help Both Sides Get Better at Helping Their Customers

Better IT infrastructure and long-term service contracts are just two ways that the uptick in resimercial AV can…

Video January 25
Jason McGraw, InfoComm show

Former AVIXA Exec Jason McGraw to Head CEDIA Expo, Kitchen and Bath Industry Show

Jason McGraw, who led InfoComm shows for almost 30 years, and Amy Hornby to oversee CEDIA and Kitchen…

News November 16
B2B Marketing Exchange
B2B Marketing Exchange East