Latest In: Microsoft

Cisco Microsoft Yorktel

How Yorktel Saved Financial Institution Hundreds of Thousands in Videoconferencing Costs

In reviewing the financial institution's new building plans, Yorktel quickly discovered that it wasn't prepared with sufficient conduit…

Projects December 7
AVI Systems Biamp Black Box Core Brands InfoComm Legal & Regulations Leyard Media Vision Mergers & Acquisitions Microsoft People & Places SnapAV

People & Places: SnapAV Acquires Visualint, a Rising Star in Security Channel

CI takes a look at the latest news in the industry: SnapAV adds video analytics to its surveillance…

News November 25

How the Microsoft HoloLens will Transform the Work World

New Microsoft video demonstrates how businesses could transform through the use of the HoloLens, from designing retail stores…

Insights November 10
B2B Marketing Exchange
B2B Marketing Exchange East