Latest In: Chief

Chief Milestone AV

Watch CI’s Ray Lyons Take the Ice Bucket Challenge

When Chief Marketing and Milestone take the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, they nominate our own Ray Lyons to…

News August 25
Behringer Bose Chief Christie Digital Digital Projection International DPA Microphones Extron InFocus Lab.gruppen Lectrosonics Radial Engineering Revolabs Savant Sennheiser SnapAV Stewart Filmscreen

Product Editor’s Proven Picks for 2014

CI's product editor, Robert Archer, recaps the most important products he covered during 2013 that can be implemented…

News January 3
Chief Mergers & Acquisitions Milestone AV Sanus

Pritzker Group Private Capital Acquires Milestone AV Technologies

Milestone AV Technologies, parent company of Chief, Da-Lite and Sanus, has been acquired by investment firm Pritzker Group…

News December 12
B2B Marketing Exchange
B2B Marketing Exchange East