Latest In: COVID-19

COVID-19 Hybrid Work Meeting Rooms Video Conferencing
Hybrid Work Meeting Rooms

How The Pandemic And Hybrid Work Are Changing Meeting Room Needs

Unified communications and collaboration experts say hybrid work is more than a buzz word, and AV integrators need…

News April 6
COVID-19 Hybrid Work Remote Work
Microsoft Teams Rooms Features

What Pro AV Can Learn From Microsoft’s Work Trends Index

What role does the pro AV industry have in the new normal of hybrid and flexible work? Microsoft’s…

Insights March 26
Coronavirus COVID-19

GriefShare Equips Churches to Help People Say Goodbye During COVID-19 Pandemic

Church-based GriefShare uses virtual and in-person support groups to help people remember their loved family members and friends.

News March 26
B2B Marketing Exchange
B2B Marketing Exchange East