Latest In: Machine Learning

AI Alan Brawn Machine Learning
AI, quantum computing, blockchain integration for smart cities, infrastructure security, Nobel Prize in physics

Nobel Prize in Physics Awarded to ‘Godfathers of AI’

The 2024 Nobel Prize in physics has been awarded to John Hopfield and Geoffrey Hinton for their fundamental…

Insights October 28
AI Digital Signage ISE 2023 Korbyt Machine Learning
Commercial Integrator and Korbyt poster.

Korbyt Plans to Impress ISE 2023 Showgoers

As Korbyt prepares to showcase its technology at ISE 2023, Commercial Integrator captures a preview of what showgoers…

Sponsored January 27
AV as a service Digital Signage Machine Learning meeting equity panel discussions Total Tech Summit Total Tech Summit 2022
Dan Ferrisi and a group of expert panelists at Total Tech Summit 2022 last month.

Total Tech Summit Offers Integrators Blueprints for Success

At Total Tech Summit 2022, Commercial Integrator and its sister publications brought together the very best in industry…

Insights November 10
Business Resources Deep Dive D-Tools Cloud Randy Stearns Software System Integrator
Randy Stearns D-Tools

D-Tools’ Randy Stearns on Solutions, Market Leadership

Randy Stearns, CEO of D-Tools, discusses the company's market leadership, parallel platforms and integrator-centricity.

Sponsored December 2
AI Machine Learning Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams logo

Microsoft Rolling Out Audio Enhancements in Teams

Microsoft is adding new intelligent ML and AI-based features to Microsoft Teams to help improve the sound quality…

News June 13
AI Automation computer vision Machine Learning machine vision
industrial machine learning, Cogniac Cisco

Cogniac and Cisco Meraki Partner to Make AI Applications Available to SMBs

Cogniac and Cisco Meraki's new partnership allows organizations to use video intelligence to build customized experiences for smarter…

News March 17
AI E-PTZ Hybrid Work knowledge workers Machine Learning Management By Walking Around mobile collaboration

Accepting the Reality: Top 10 Predictions for 2022

The IMCCA’s David Danto looks into his crystal ball to foresee what the new year will hold.

Insights December 8
3D Machine Learning
3D Simulations, microlearning

Interactive 3D Simulations Helps Execs and Employees with Uncomfortable Conversations

Interactive microlearning tech teaches execs and employees how to address and resolve angst-inducing issues in 15 minutes or…

Insights November 11
5G Artificial Intelligence BLC blc 2020 Machine Learning NSCA Virtual Reality VR
BLC 2020

NSCA BLC 2020 Preview: Using New Tech Tools to Solve Problems More Effectively

At NSCA BLC 2020, Thomas Wedell-Wedellsborg will talk about using innovation to bring new ideas to life &…

News January 21
AI Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning
Instagram phishing attacks. instagram AI, instagram explore tab

The AI Behind Instagram’s ‘Explore’ Recommendations Tab

Instagram AI used to help its Explore function make custom recommendations focuses on matching users with accounts, not…

Insights December 10
Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning
Google AI Metrics

Google Proposes New AI Video, Audio Metrics

Google researchers have proposed a new set of metrics that can help measure the quality of AI-generated audio…

Insights November 11
B2B Marketing Exchange
B2B Marketing Exchange East