Latest In: Microphone

Microphone wireless microphones
shure axient digital wireless microphone system

3 Reasons Why Shure’s Axient Digital Wireless System Won a BEST Award

The Shure Axient Digital Wireless System won a CI 2017 BEST Award under microphone solutions. This is what…

News July 3
Android Apple Apps Microphone Speakers SPL Meter

28 Great Audio Apps for Android, Apple

From SPL meters to spectral analyzers, try these great audio apps for integrators.>

News September 18
Apple Biamp Draper iPad Microphone Revolabs Sharp

Jumbotron-Style Video Conferencing System Improves Communication

Six video conferencing rooms, including a 360-degree overhanging, retractable solution installed by AVI-SPL, helps a Texas energy company…

Projects February 6
B2B Marketing Exchange
B2B Marketing Exchange East