Latest In: networking

conference networking Total Tech Summit Total Tech Summit 2023 TTS
Robert Few, managing partner, The Connection Xchange at Total Tech Summit 2022

Total Tech Summit Will Deliver Extensive Networking Opportunities 

Although vendor connections and education sessions are a huge part of the #TotalTech23 value proposition, the 200-plus influencers…

Insights October 6
AV/IT CIX23 Commercial Integrator Expo education Hybrid Work networking RTO UCC video fatigue videonconferecing
Attendees at an education session, UC&C Commercial Integrator Expo Conference CIX23

5 UC&C Sessions You Don’t Want to Miss at CIX23 Conference

At Commercial Integrator Expo (CIX23) Conference, the IMCCA education track will explore designing workspaces, hybrid work, video fatigue…

Insights August 18
Exertis Almo E4 Experience InfoComm networking Perfecting Your Craft
CI Expo Networking Opportunites_1000px

The Art of the Follow-Up

After a major industry event like InfoComm 2023, it’s essential for #avtweeps to connect with everyone we networked…

Insights July 1
B2B Marketing Exchange
B2B Marketing Exchange East