Latest In: RF

automated shades Case Study Conference Room Lighting PowerShades RF shades TRUEPoE
Powershades dual-shades conference-room 2

Highlands Oncology Enhances Diagnostics with PoE Automated Shades from PowerShades

Custom-made PowerShades TRUEPoE automated shades help medical professionals maximize diagnostic clarity in the conference room.

Projects April 1
EW-DX House of Worship HOW Microphone RF theatre wireless microphone system
Berkeley Prep’s brand-new chapel outfitted with Sennheiser EW-DX audio system.

Berkeley Preparatory School Upgrades to Sennheiser EW-DX System for Networked Wireless Audio

The day school upgraded its performance spaces with 40 channels of Sennheiser's EW-DX wireless microphone system.

Projects August 2
B2B Marketing Exchange
B2B Marketing Exchange East