Which U.S. Presidential Candidate Is Best for the Technology Industry?

Published: 2016-10-28

Whenever Commercial Integrator posts on a topic related to politics it goes something like this:

The post goes live.

We hear from audience members with left-leaning opinions that we’re far too conservative and to stay out of politics.

We hear from audience members with right-leaning opinions that we’re far too liberal and to stay out of politics.

Same post. Funny how that works.

In general, we do take that advice to stay out of politics. It is, however, a trade publication’s role to weigh in on political issues that that will dramatically affect its industry one way or another. The recent FCC rulling on net neutrality is an example.

However, it’s difficult to imagine a scenario in which CI would endorse a U.S. Presidential candidate. We have not done that for the 2016 election between Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton, the two major parties’ candidates.

What we’ve done instead is invite integration industry professionals, audience members, to share their opinions on the election, zeroing in on which candidate would bring the most positive impact for the technology industry.

It goes without saying (yet somehow bears repeating) that the opinions in these columns do not reflect those of Commercial Integrator:

What a Donald Trump Presidency Would Mean for Your Business by Cenero’s Harry Meade

What a Hillary Clinton Presidency Would Mean for Your Business by Alpha Video’s Jerry Gale

What a Zoltan Istvan, Yes, Zoltan Istvan, Presidency Would Mean for Your Business by Human Circuit’s Bruce Kaufmann

The Ugly Truth Behind Hillary Clinton’s and Donald Trump’s Tech Policies by TEECOM’s Josh Srago

We thanks the writers who participated.

Okay. There’s your cue to tell us to stay out of politics.

Posted in: Insights, News

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