Search Results: Mergers & Acquisitions

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Economic Instability… An Opportunity for AV Integrators?

Economists tell PSNI and NSCA members what they think is ahead for AV integrators in 2018 and beyond.


Today’s Voice Control Technology Road Map Comes with Plenty of Caution Signs

AV integrators and manufacturers facing consolidation, global expansion, voice control and service over products in the fast-changing world.


Guitar Center Acquisition of AVDG Creates $2 Billion-plus Pro AV Contender

Now that Guitar Center has acquired Audio Visual Design Group (AVDG) for its Business Solutions Group, the integration


The Highs, The Lows of AV News in 2017: Year in Review

Look back at the AV industry news that made a difference for integration firms in 2017. From acquisitions


AV Industry Consultant Calls 2017 a Year of Disruption

Systems integration in 2017 was, indeed, pretty disruptive. But according to noted AV industry consultant Alan C. Brawn,


CI State of the Industry 2018: The Incredible Shrinking AV Industry

AV industry ripe for forward-thinking commercial technology integrators to excel. CI State of the Industry 2018 predicts 9%


6 Critical Steps to Prepare Your AV Business for Sale

These six pieces of advice will help you prepare for what could be the most important financial move


Integrator of the Year: The $1 Billion-Bound, Private Equity Systems Integrator

This year's Integrator of the Year is a bit different: we explore how major deals and private equity


AVI Systems Acquires Dascom Systems Group

The era of integrator acquisitions continued in what’s typically a quiet time for deals and major news, with


In Defense of Adam’s ‘Initial Impressions’

AV industry veteran David Danto weighs in on newbie Adam Forziati's latest piece and implores integrators to keep

B2B Marketing Exchange
B2B Marketing Exchange East