Search Results: DEI

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Amplifying Lesser-Heard Voices: Explaining the 40 Under 40’s Raison D’être

Responding to a robust dialogue on #avtweeps Twitter, CI's editor-in-chief offers his thoughts on why the 40 Under


Going Beyond the Table

In the final part of our three-part series, the powerful women of AV tackle DEI and belonging.


AV+ Podcast: Jeff Shelby on Senseon’s Access Control Solutions & Expertise

Jeff Shelby joins AV+ to speak about Senseon's access control solutions and their unique value proposition, as well


AV+ Podcast: David Danto on Enterprise Connect & the WFH Revolution

David Danto joins AV+ to speak about Enterprise Connect and how the industry will adapt to the ongoing


Does Remote Work Destroy Company Culture?

A MIT and Webex by Cisco study says it doesn't. Instead the study reveals hybrid work improves culture;


AV+ Podcast: Embracing Experiential AV and the Opportunities It Provides

AV+ is your source for in-depth interviews. XTG's Mark Coxon offers tips on embracing experiential AV, including integrators'


AV+ Podcast: Pivoting Your Business To Sell Specialized, Niche Services

AV+ is your weekly source for in-depth interviews. Steve Greenblatt, president/founder of Control Concepts, explains why it's best


AV+ Podcast: Selling Services, Expertise & Consultation to Esports Clients

AV+ is your weekly source for in-depth interviews. Stephen Heywood of PTZOptics drops by this week to offer


Reflections on BLC 2022 #1: Business Intelligence, not Commercialism

NSCA's Business & Leadership Conference (BLC) eschewed commercialism, instead focusing on actionable intelligence for integration leaders.


How NSCA is Tackling Business-Crushing Legislation

A look at how the association is addressing legislation that affects integration businesses and how integrators can help.

B2B Marketing Exchange
B2B Marketing Exchange East