Design Better Systems With This Signal Distribution Guide

Published: 2015-12-17

Traditionally signal distribution was only applicable in a point-to-point scenario (one device to one device). Over time it has evolved to point-to-multiple points and eventually to multiple points to multiple points typically through a matrix switcher or some type of hardware.

Today, we endeavor to replicate the same model using category cable for both point-to-point and IP-based signal distribution scenarios. As it is adopted more across the industry, IP-based signal distribution will accomplish point-to-point and multi-point over a single cable.

That said, signal distribution is probably the greatest example of the convergence of AV and IT.

While conventional methods of signal distribution may be the best option in small systems, as the installations become more complex and user demands increase, IP-based signal distribution provides the flexibility, affordability and feature set necessary to meet the growing list of requirements.

Not to mention that wireless signal distribution has become widespread across a variety of applications.

Download the guide to learn more today.

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