Work From Home Tech Trends Up, Smart Home Tech Down

Published: March 24, 2020

As your integration firm switches gears and adapts to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, any changes you make should be informed by available data.

The early assumption of many of us was that with millions of workers are either out of work or working from home during this crisis, the industry would shift toward helping organizations carry out their mission outside of the office.

According to AV marketing firm Wheelhouse Digital, that’s the case so far.

The firm, using Google Trends, wrote in a blog that AV-related searches for working from home and related topics are increasing. The data is early and we could be seeing the effects of COVID-19 for months, but it does provide some insight into your customers thoughts.

According to Wheelhouse, these topics are tending up:

  • Work from home
  • Video Conferencing
  • Faster WiFi
  • Home Networking
  • Air Purification

On the flipside, some other AV-related topics are trending either flat or down. Those topics primarily make up traditional home integration technologies.

Read NextHow Integrators Can Help Customers Adjust to Remote Work During COVID-19

Those topics trending down or flat include:

  • Home automation
  • Smart home
  • Home security
  • Home theater
  • Lighting control

Maybe you didn’t need online data to tell you what AV solutions are in demand right now. You’re probably already hearing it from your customers who are asking about videoconferencing platforms, headsets, PTZ cameras, microphones, signal boosters and other remote work technologies.

I’ve spoken to several integration firms who are listening to those questions and concerns. Many of them, like RoomReady, are helping their customers make the transition. It’s a tough time for almost every business, so now is not the time to be overly pushy in your marketing and sales campaigns.

For you guys — the experts — now is the time to listen to those concerns and provide a solution through thoughtful AV marketing.

Posted in: Insights

Tagged with: COVID-19, Work From Home

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