Boston Red Sox Add 46-Foot-Wide LED Display at Fenway Park

Published: March 31, 2017

When I got a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity last fall to test out ANC’s vSOFT software platform at Boston Red Sox’s Fenway Park, I was posting content mainly to the center-field video board and two auxiliary boards in left-center field and right-center field.

This year, though, Red Sox game day staff will have another place to post game information, stats, ads and other news and notes related to the team, its opponents and more above the right field roof boxes, in a section of the 105-year-old ballpark that used to be called the Cumberland Farms section. [related]

As part of its ongoing partnership with the Sox that dates back more than a decade, ANC replaced the Cumberland Farms sign with a 14.5-foot-tall-by-46-foot-wide Mitsubishi LED display that will help those sitting primarily in the bleachers and on top of Fenway’s fabled Green Monster from craning their necks to see the latest stats—and a few ads.

Fans outside Fenway will also get up-to-the-minute information about public transportation before and after the game. TransitScreen and Orange Barrel Media partnered on the creation of a 14-foot-by-48-foot video screen that’s linked to the MBTA commuter rail and subway systems.

Overall, ANC has installed nine displays at Fenway Park since replacing the main center field display in 2011 and adding two auxiliary boards. The company has added ribbon boards in the seating area every year since then, but there are no plans to replace the main board anytime soon.

“It’s aging really well,” says Chris Mascatello, executive VP of technology sales and services for ANC. “There’s a lot of life left in the board.”

The Red Sox are in a unique position when it comes to incorporating technology to keep today’s fans engaged with the game while maintaining the classic feel of a ballpark that’s more than a century old.

“The more information you’re going to present, the more space you need to present it,” says Mascatello. “They’ve done a good job keeping the old time feel while also presenting all the information fans want when they’re at the game.”

Now I just have to figure out a way to convince ANC to let me and editor-in-chief Tom LeBlanc to test out the new board this season.

Related: Watch Video of CI Editors Learning ANC’s vSoft at Fenway Park

Posted in: Insights, Projects

Tagged with: Sports Technology

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