We are extremely excited to continue Commercial Integrator’s ongoing series on book recommendations from some of our industry’s brightest minds and most well-known influencers. In previous editions, we featured recommendation lists from Electro Acoustics’ Luke Jordan, Control Concepts’ Steve Greenblatt and Brittany DiCesare, and NDS Integration’s Alex Fortin.
This time, we welcome AVI-SPL’s business development manager, cloud/UCC, Amelia Vrabel, into the fold. Below, she shares five books she’s read in the last year that she not only enjoyed but also learned from. Importantly, those lessons have not only helped her grow as an individual but also enhanced her professional life. Consider adding them to your reading list!
Atomic Habits, by James Clear
“You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.” These insightful words come from author James Clear. Maybe 1% doesn’t seem like a lot. But just imagine if you could get 1% better every day. Just do the math! You’d be well ahead of your game even in one year (1.01^365 = 37.78!). We can all dream, but, to allow us to put forth the daily effort that separates the winners from everyone else, it’s truly about crafting the systems.
Do Hard Things, by Steve Magness
“Real toughness is experiencing discomfort or distress, leaning in, paying attention and creating space to take thoughtful action. It’s maintaining a clear head to be able to make the appropriate decision. Toughness is navigating discomfort to make the best decision you can. And research shows that this model of toughness is more effective at getting results than the old one.” These insights come from author Steve Magness. Many of us have been conditioned to believe that resilience is about pushing through or being “tough.” In reality, real resilience involves leaning in, working intentionally and finding success not just for the short term but over the long run. This book can help you learn more about how to find your own success, while also giving you strategies to coach others to find true, sustainable success in their careers and other pursuits.
The Attributes, by Rich Diviney
“Sometimes, exercising skills at a peak level is difficult. Sometimes, the best possible performance is messy, gritty and uncomfortable. Optimal performers, people and teams have the confidence to keep moving forward anyway.” This exhortation comes from author Rich Diviney. He’s a former Navy SEAL (and also a fellow Purdue grad!) who goes into great detail about a number of attributes that make people and teams successful in various circumstances. Unlike skills, which are teachable, attributes are more inherent, informing a person’s behavior in various circumstances. There are no better or worse attributes; however, when they better understand individuals’ unique attributes, leaders can more effectively craft the right team for the task.
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck, by Mark Manson
“True happiness occurs only when you find the problems you enjoy having and enjoy solving.” Some insightful words from author Mark Manson. This book is all about creating a mindset to focus on what matters most and living your life in alignment with those principles. When you accept that happiness is a journey, rather than a destination, you can choose to actively participate in your happiness every day.
10% Happier, by Dan Harris
“If you don’t waste your energy on variables you cannot influence, you can focus much more effectively on those you can. When you are wisely ambitious, you do everything you can to succeed, but you are not attached to the outcome — so that if you fail, you will be maximally resilient, able to get up, dust yourself off and get back in the fray.” That’s the wisdom of Dan Harris. I really enjoyed his journey from a skeptic to someone who developed a mindfulness practice of daily meditation. Beginning a small, consistent mindfulness practice bleeds over into so many areas of your life to make you calmer, more focused, more grateful and, overall, just happier. I have personally found this to be true in my own life and enjoyed this story, as well.
Commercial Integrator hopes to continue this book-recommendation series, which aligns perfectly with our raison d’être — namely, to be facilitators and partners in helping integrators run their businesses better. If you’d like to share a list of recommendations with us, email me at [email protected].