Leon Speakers’ Noah Kaplan & Robert Waissi Interviewed on ‘The Morning Toast’ Pod

Published: April 12, 2023

Recently, Bill Fons, president of PTG, interviewed Leon Speakers‘ founder Noah Kaplan and industrial designer Robert Waissi on their unique approach to product design on The Morning Toast Podcast. Leon Speakers is, of course, the Ann Arbor, Mich.-headquartered designers of customizable speakers and technology concealment solutions. Their product design fuses technology, artistic design and exceptional performance.

Check out the full podcast below. In it, Fons presents a truly engaging interview with the forward-thinking team when it comes to technology design.

In the interview, Kaplan and Waissi discuss their roots in art and industrial design. The duo discuss finding purpose in manufacturing with a eye for function, form and fit. Kaplan and Waissi emphasize the need for quality designs that are meant to last.

Fons, as the host, guides them from the start of the business operations to Leon Speakers’ creative company culture and values. Kaplan also mentions Dr. Dre’s keynote at the 2023 Grammy awards on how every aspect of the technology design process is important — from initial concept to build and the collaborations formed.

The Morning Toast interview gets into Leon Speakers’ creative energy behind its products. PTG is, of course, a prominent AV integration business located in Wixom, Mich.

CI hopes that our audience enjoys this conversation among the industry’s most authentic thought-leaders.

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