AudioScience Announces Hono AVB Minis Now AVnu Alliance Certified

Published: January 26, 2015

Digital audio manufacturer AudioScience announced that its Hono AVB Minis have been certified by the AVnu Alliance.

The company debuted the Minis at InfoComm 2013 as its first audio-video bridging (AVB) endpoint products in a line of networked audio systems. AudioScience focuses on the radio broadcast and installed sound markets.

The AVnu Alliance works to ensure AVB interoperability of networked AV devices. As a member of the Alliance, AudioScience will certify all AVB products through the Alliance and ensure compliance to IEEE AVB standards.

The Mini series includes four products: the Hono AVB 4.4M and 2.2M (with 4/2 line inputs/outputs with studio quality mic preamps) and the 4.4D and 2.2D (with 4/2 channels of AES/EBU input/output).

“AVnu certification represents the culmination of many years of hard work by our engineering team on our AVB hardware and software,” says Richard Gross, president of AudioScience. “AVnu certification will give our customers confidence that when they choose one of our AVB products they know they are buying something that will interoperate with other AVnu certified AVB devices.”

The Hono AVB 4.4M (and 2.2M) receives four (or two) channels of AVB and sends them to balanced analog audio outputs, while simultaneously inputting four (or two) channels of mic/line level balanced audio and transmitting them as AVB.

The Hono AVB 4.4D (and 2.2D) receives four (or two) channels of AVB and sends them to their AES/EBU audio outputs, while simultaneously inputting four (or two) channels of AES/EBU audio and transmitting them as AVB.

The latest IEEE Discovery and Control protocol allows the Hono AVB Mini to be configured using 3rd party AVB controllers.

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