CI and NSCA Collaborate to Mitigate Supply-Chain Risks

Published: November 7, 2022

Ongoing supply-chain problems have wreaked havoc on integrators’ operations for a couple of years now, and, although we’re starting to see some improvement, it remains a challenging time to run a profitable integration business. I can’t tell you how many integrators I’ve spoken to who’ve said they have millions — perhaps tens of millions — in project backlog right now because they’re stuck waiting for a handful of key components without which they cannot install pending systems.

A situation like that produces a cascade of consequences. For example, if the integrator has already acquired 85% or 90% of the components, that likely means they’re having to warehouse all that gear — maybe for several months. During that warehousing period, vendors’ warranties might already be “ticking,” resulting in the possibility that the client never actually gets to benefit from manufacturer warranty coverage. And on and on it goes….

As always, NSCA, a not-for-profit association representing the commercial integration industry, keeps a close eye on industry issues affecting the channel and produces thought-leadership content to increase integrators’ chances of success. That includes this month’s webinar, entitled “Risk-Mitigation Strategies for the Supply Chain.” Scheduled for November 15 at 12:00 p.m. EST, it is freely accessible to everyone. Register on the Commercial Integrator website to secure your place!

There will be no Pollyanna pronouncements during the webinar. Both NSCA and CI recognize the folly of thinking a snap-of-the-fingers “solution” to supply-chain challenges exists. However, we’ve come up with some well-defined, practical strategies that integrators can implement to mitigate their risks. The idea is to offer webinar viewers a playbook that they can immediately execute to protect their profitability, their client relationships and their long-term sustainability, even as unprecedented challenges continue.

Supply-Chain Webinar Plans

Our guests include a “who’s who” of respected commercial integration thought leaders:

  • Mike Abernathy, Director of Business Resources, NSCA
  • Tina Peters, Executive Vice President at SVT (Sport View Technologies)
  • Dale Bottcher, Executive Vice President, Global Sales + Marketing, AVI-SPL

During the webinar, they will touch on many of the following areas:

  • How to set client expectations properly, without stoking fear
  • Which contract terms can add flexibility and improve company cashflow
  • Revising proposal expiration dates and embracing milestone-based billing
  • Closing out projects more quickly with a cross product/solution reference guide
  • How an OpEx-based approach can shift risk away from your company

This webinar has the potential to be a difference-maker for your integration business. Please register today to participate!

Supply-Chain Issue Survey

And if you want to arm NSCA with better, more accurate information that will empower the association to help your business by sharing best practices, please consider taking the 2022 AV Integrator Supply Chain Issue Survey. The survey will only take a few minutes, and it’s the perfect way to give NSCA insightful material that the trade association can leverage to inform and benefit members. CI also expects to share some preliminary survey results during this month’s webinar.

Please note: The survey is only for companies that earn a majority of their revenue from AV integration.

Between this month’s webinar and the supply-chain survey, CI and NSCA are working hand-in-hand to give integrators the tools they need to overcome lingering supply-chain challenges and run more profitable, more sustainable businesses.

For previous content from and about NSCA, check out Commercial Integrator’s website archives.

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