What to See at ISE 2020: AV Installer Tools & Software to Make Your Lives Easier

Published: January 15, 2020

Integrated Systems Europe is the industry’s largest trade show, and ISE 2020 is shaping up to be chock-full of dazzling displays, awesome audio products, and an array of items to keep your head spinning as you comb the halls. But don’t forget: there will be many AV installer tools and software on display which you should also make time for.

And you should make time for them — for no other reason than the fact that they’re designed to make time for you. These are solutions which aren’t aimed at your end users; but rather, at making your life on-the-job (and surrounding the job) a bit easier.

Time-saving AV installer tools & business software

First-time ISE exhibitor XTEN-AV generated a steady stream of interest at InfoComm 2019 surrounding its demonstrations of cloud-based AV design software that leans on AI and machine-learning and allows integrators to design end-to-end AV systems based on AVIXA standards.

It uses algorithms to make complex calculations, identify required specs, match those needs with its products database and actually auto-generate AV drawings.

Epson consistently has one of the larger booths at AV trade shows, much of it filled with dazzling displays. A closer look, however, will reveal an innovative solution for technicians.

Epson Moverio Assist uses smart glasses to spur collaboration between in-the-field technicians (think of an installer on a job site) with remote experts (think an engineering manager back in the office or at another job site).

Click here to see the full slideshow of AV installer tools & software to see at ISE 2020

Learn more about Integrated Systems Europe here.

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