Rio Rancho, N.M.-based Lectrosonics introduced the DSR and DSR5P dual-channel and DSR4 quad-channel digital slot receivers. The new receivers are compatible with all the current Lectrosonics mono and stereo digital transmitters. They are also backward compatible with Digital Hybrid Wireless transmitters made in the past 20 years. The DSR and DSR5P receivers provide two independent receiver channels. Meanwhile, the DSR4 provides four independent receiver channels at the highest level of RF and audio performance available. It also comes with versatile feature sets and next-generation capabilities in the Unislot/Superslot form factor for ENG (Electronic News Gathering), field and location production.
Both receivers come in several tuning ranges, says Lectrosonics. This includes A1B1 (470-614 MHz), B1C1 (537-692 MHz), 941 (941-960 MHz for use in North America) and 961 (961-1,015 MHz for use in the UK). Users can manage settings from the front panels which feature high-resolution displays. This makes the units ideal for portable bag systems, mounted in or on cameras and on sound carts.
Receivers and RF Spectrum
An RF spectrum analyzer and SmartTune built into the receivers alleviate interference problems in an increasingly congested RF spectrum. Lectrosonics adds that the SmartTune is an easy and fast way to scan the local RF spectrum and find clear operating frequencies. The 2-way IR sync makes it quick to set up matching transmitters. The new receivers also include a USB jack and data connection through the SuperSlot interface. This provides compatibility with Lectrosonics Wireless Designer frequency coordination and system management software.
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The RF gain stages in the front end of the DSR and DSR4 use a newly developed design to provide low noise RF amplification, excellent sensitivity and extremely low susceptibility to intermodulation and de-sensitization with an IP3 (3rd Order Intercept point) of an exceptional +15 dBm (DSR4) and +11 dBm (DSR, DSR5P).
The DSR and DSR5P dual-channel units are exactly the same size and with the same screw mounting holes and rear connector as all Lectrosonics SR series predecessors. Thus, existing accessories for powering, audio outputs, and slot mounting are all compatible. This includes the SREXT, SRSUPER, SRSNY, and SRBATTSLED units.
Encryption Key Policies
Additionally, the DSR4 is slightly longer than the older units in order to accommodate larger circuit boards. As the unit has four audio outputs, the legacy accessories cannot be used with the 4-channel unit. For this, new accessories for mounting, powering and audio outputs will be available soon.
Both receivers also incorporate powerful AES 256-CTR mode encryption. There are four different encryption key policies available. These comprise Universal, Shared (great for sports coverage), Standard, and Volatile (one-time use key).
“These new receivers represent the state of the art in portable RF performance and are the result of five generations of SR Series slot receivers,” says Karl Winkler, vice president of sales and marketing at Lectrosonics. “Since 2007, the SR Series has been one of our most popular product lines, having revolutionizing field production. Now, with both 2- and 4-channel digital slot receivers, the SR Series again represents the next generation.”