The idea was to encourage attendees to spur dialog and share lessons from NSCA’s 2014 Business & Leadership Conference by offering a little incentive—pairs of BLC Platinum Sponsor Shure noise isolating ear buds to the event’s two “Most Prolific Tweeters.”
It worked.
The hashtag #NSCABLC was lit up during the February 27 to March 1 event in Dallas as attendees shared nuggets from presenters and panel discussions and engaged fellow audience members with questions and comments about the on-stage content.
Personally, I kept one eye on the #NSCABLC feed while at the podium moderating a panel discussion on how integration firms can earn more through service revenue and reflected the comments and questions from attendees in my conversation with panelists Daniel Newman of Broadsuite and Joe Siderowicz of AfterMarket Consulting.
Frankly, I could have let #NSCABLC moderate the session.
As great as the participation was, two clear top-performers emerged. Let’s congratulate Brock McGinnis (@brockmcginnis) of Westbury National and Kourtney Govro (@Sphere3CEO) of Sphere3 and All Systems.
The judging wasn’t based entirely on volume of tweets, but McGinnis and Govro were indeed the highest-volume tweeters during 2014 NSCA BLC.
The editorial team at CI and the NSCA staff used a very make-shift rating system (Editor’s note: Of course it’s “make-shift;” it’s a Twitter contest) in which we counted “original tweets” with #NSCABLC as a full point and simple #NSCABLC re-tweets or direct conversations about #NSCABLC as 0.25 points to determine a “Total Volume Score.”
That score was weighed against a more subjective category: Tweet quality. (Editor’s note: Again, of course it’s subjective.)
Let’s statistically analyze McGinnis’ #NSCABLC tweeting performance …
Total Tweets with #NSCABLC: 158
Total #NSCABLC Retweets: 10
Total #NSCABLC Direction Conversations: 3
Total Volume Score: 161.25
Check @brockmcginnis for examples.
Let’s statistically analyze Govro’s #NSCABLC tweeting performance …
Total Tweets with #NSCABLC: 123
Total #NSCABLC Retweets: 38
Total #NSCABLC Direction Conversations: 17
Total Volume Score: 136.75
Check @Sphere3CEO for examples.
Both staggering performances over a three-day period.
Several other strong #NSCABLC tweeters deserve recognition. Michael Shinn (@axpmike) of IMS Technology Solutions earned a Total Volume Score (TVS) of 66. Steve Greenblatt (@stevegreenblatt) of Control Concepts recorded a 56.75 TVS.
Earning honorable mention with an impressive TVS of 81.25 and some incredibly odd tweets (editor’s note: Sorry, no price for honorable mention) is John Greene (@jgreenesix) from Advanced AV. Greene shared a staggering 16 twitpics of a stuffed carrot he received during author Adrian Gostik’s “The Carrot Principle: Using Recognition to Engage People, Retain Talent, and Accelerate Performance” session.
Photos: Seriously, 16 Photos of a Stuffed Carrot
McGinnis and Govro will receive Shure noise isolating headphones. Thanks to @shureinc for making this entertaining, informative and amusing contest possible.