Video Weekly News: Engaging Discussions Make NSCA’s BLC a Hit This Year

Published: March 1, 2016

Last week was NSCA‘s 18th Annual Business and Leadership Conference (BLC) in Dallas, and Commercial Integrator was proud to be the exclusive media partner for the event.

On day three of the event, Chuck Wilson, executive director of NSCA, was on stage fielding questions and comments from the attendees during an interactive session. One attendee mentioned that he wished he had heard more discussion about a particular product category throughout the conference. Wilson responded by saying that the conference tries to avoid discussing products at all, which speaks volumes about the focus of NSCA last weekend.

Focusing on the sharing of ideas, rather than products, created an incredibly engaged group of people attending the BLC.

Hear more about what helped make the conference a success from CI editor Tom LeBlanc:

Posted in: News

Tagged with: BLC, NSCA, Video Weekly News

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