If you don’t currently work for Comcast, Verizon or another telecom provider, you likely don’t consider yourself to be a candidate to sell broadband services. However, if you engage with the right customers, technology products distributor Almo Professional A/V wants you to consider selling broadband connectivity from well-known telecom providers directly via its Almo CONNECT program.
Take this 1-minute quiz to determine if you and your company are indeed a candidate to start earning recurring revenue by selling broadband connectivity to customers that require it anyway:
The benefit for those who participate in Almo CONNECT is, well, there are actually a few benefits both in terms of revenue and improved customer service. The benefits include:
- If you’re in the business of selling technology, it’s clear that today’s technology requires more connectivity than every before. Being able to sell broadband services can help ensure that the solution you provide to the customer performs to their expectation.
- Again, customers need a high level of connectivity for their technology solutions. They’re going to need to access that broadband connectivity somewhere. Being able to sell broadband services saves you from having to disconnect from the customer as they turn to another solution provider.
- Almo CONNECT has relationships with broadband providers that their customers know, will feel comfortable with and you get to save them a step.
- It’s a recurring revenue opportunity. Almo CONNECT resellers earn a commission and then earn recurring income on the monthly services they sell
- It ultimately allows you to deliver the experience the customer wants and leads to repeat (and recurring) business.
The bottom line is that Almo CONNECT provides an opportunity for companies to simplify things for their customers — providing them with a service that they need without requiring them to engage with yet another service provider. The added benefit is that you get to earn recurring revenue. Everybody wins.